The beautiful waiata and karakia derived from it are based on the angel's words to the shepherds when Christ was born.
We have said this karakia almost ever Christian Studies lesson this year and I know this happens in Whaea Clark's te reo Māori classes too. It seems fitting that, despite its apparent familiarity, we revisit this karakia at the year's end. One of the things we are reminded of amongst the prizegivings and leaving rites is that all the hard work and effort is ultimately undergirded by the gifts of others. Our self-respect and pride is necessarily accompanied by humility and thankfulness.
So, boys and whānau, I pray the words of the waiata 'He Hōnere' as a blessing for you this Christmas and beyond. It reminds us that as much as this is a season which stirs us to care of others Christmas supremely displays God's good will toward us.
He hōnore, he korōria
Maungārongo ki te whenua.
Whakaaro pai e
Kingā tangata katoa
Ake ake, ake ake.
Te Atua, te piringa,
Toku oranga.
Honour, glory and
peace to the land.
May good thoughts come
to all men
for ever and ever, for ever and ever.
The Lord is the refuge
and my life.
God bless you this Christmas.
P.S. For those of you so inclined check out the 2022 Advent playlist on Spotify: Advent 2022