Aims and Values

John McGlashan College combines a century of educational excellence, with modern facilities and teaching.  

Scottish-born John McGlashan was a man of firm Christian beliefs.  The College is founded on his values of “a sound and liberal education”.  The attributes of honesty, simplicity, respect, and concern for others, sit alongside intellectual excellence, aesthetic awareness and a healthy mind and body.  John McGlashan’s vision was that each boy grows to be a well-educated man of character, who uses his influence for the good of others.


Building Foundations for Life.

Our Mission for John McGlashan College is to grow students who are well-educated men of character. These men will be innovative, lifelong learners who are grounded in the values of the Christian faith.  They will be active contributors to local and global societies.

We want our students to become well-educated men of character. We want them to learn to have the courage to stand, alone if necessary, for what they believe is right and to use their education and influence for the good of others. Boys will leave the College as men of integrity and conviction.

We aim for intellectual excellence. By means of a well-structured curriculum and through effective teaching and learning programmes we strive to instil the capacity for rigorous analysis, disciplined reflection and clear expression.

In line with the NZ Curriculum, we value and acknowledge the importance of: 

  • excellence, particularly when arising from hard work and perseverance 
  • innovation and curiosity
  • diversity – of cultures, ideas and languages
  • equity, fairness and social justice
  • ecological sustainability

We believe that every boy should be treated with respect and that we should teach and abide by Christian principles. The College will be a safe place, at all times, for all who live and learn in it - a place where boys can work hard and play hard and enjoy each other’s company.