Learning Support

Our vision is to meet students where they are in terms of achievement and provide support, devise strategies or source opportunities to ensure individual progress across all curriculum areas – from both a remedial and extension perspective.

We run a flexible and reactive programme, to meet the needs of our current students.  A starting point is often with assessment of students specific learning abilities, in order to identify areas of strength, which we will use to enhance classroom learning and work to remediate areas of weakness.

Learning Support Programmes currently in place:

  • EXCEL Tutoring (peer tutoring programme where senior students work 1:1 with junior students. This can be to support or extend)
  • Literacy and Numeracy Booster classes (at Year 9 and 10)
  • Year 11 guided study group (entrance by selection)
  • Junior Peer Reading Programme (for Year 7 and 8 students, with Year 10 mentors)
  • Supported Literacy Programmes (for Year 7 and 8)
  • Assistive technology access and training
  • Reader/Writer support (if eligible)
  • RTLB referral processes
  • SAC application process

To access Learning Support services, you can approach the Learning Support Team directly (donna.smith@mcglashan.school.nz) or you can go through through your son’s Form or classroom Teacher.

Anyone seek assistance from Learning Support.  If it is felt that there is a need for support in some form, the Learning Support Team with work with the student, teachers, Year Level Dean and family to develop a progress plan.

Learning Support Staff

Donna Smith
HoD Learning Support
Cath Bowden
Literacy Specialist
Penny Ferguson
Learning Support Administrator & Teacher Aide
Simon Maole
Teacher Aide
Natasha Prior
Teacher Aide
Julie Tolson
Teacher Aide