Take a moment to send a message of love and support to local industry creatives that have been massively impacted by the covid-pandemic!
Kia ora koutou,
The arts industry has suffered particularly severe repercussions from this pandemic with its primary source of income (live performance) almost virtually eradicated with little compensation. Naturally, our performing arts culture here at school has also been affected with many clubs and groups mahi majorly restricted and uncertain performance possibilities.
With the arts in such a precarious times, my colleagues and I have been working at a project called Messages of Aroha (the M.O.A project). Below is a link to a form for you and your family members to fill out with a message of love and support to our local community artists- letting them know why they are important.
Link to form: https://forms.gle/MyPeyrrGog34RBY47
These messages (from all over the Otago-region) are currently being compiled into a booklet, but we'd love to have some more. The booklet will be given to local industry creatives as a koha to remind them that what they do is important, has an impact, and will be supported.
There will be a digital exhibition of the booklet in the Fringe HQ's 'white box display' on George Street, available to the public. There are more features to come (stay tuned).
Check out this link for more info: https://sites.google.com/mcglashan.school.nz/jmcarts/arts-hub/whats-on