Tuesday 19th March 2024

Last week we congratulated eight students who have been awarded Librarian badges, and a further three who have been recognised as Library Team Leaders.

Our student librarians are crucial to the smooth operation of our very busy Library. They help with issuing and returning books, shelving, keeping the Library tidy, and help others to use the Library's physical and digital resources. Being a student librarian provides an opportunity to actively contribute to the school community.

This year we have more than 40 student librarians working hard at intervals, lunch times, and during class library visits. Each year, the students who are new librarians complete a training programme and pass a library test before being awarded their Librarian badge.

Last week we congratulated the following boys and presented them with their Librarian badges:

· Tarn Elder

· Charlie Hooson

· Freddie Johnson

· Harry McGregor

· Zach Riach

· Finn Ross

· Hugh Walker

· Nixon Young

We also acknowledged the dedication and hard work of Gus Carr, Henry Johnson and Finn McDonald by awarding them with a Library Team Leader badge. This is a new badge for 2024, to recognise student librarians who have two or more years of experience in the Library, consistently perform library duties to a high standard, and act as role models for others.

Congratulations to all of these boys. We're looking forward to awarding badges to a second group of student librarians in Term 2.