Thursday 7th September 2017

It is a real pleasure as the year progresses towards Spring to be able to update the school community as to some of the projects the Board of Proprietors have been involved in this year. 

As we head towards the 100th year, the college is in great spirits, and the Board of Proprietors has been working hard on a number of areas.

The major project this year, which is now complete, has been the upgrade of the science laboratories.  This project has seen the laboratories upgraded to a best practice standard and, for anyone who has seen the, I am sure you will agree that they are just superb.  This project has been funded by the Board of Proprietors, and the total cost will be just under $1,000,000.

The Proprietors are working through a number of other projects currently including an upgrade of the tennis courts and opportunities to increase capacity within the boarding house.

As we get closer to the end of the year, we will be looking to set the projects for 2018 and, in particular, look to identify some projects around celebrating and marking the centenary year of the college.  We will keep you posted as these things evolve and look forward to giving you plenty of warning so that you can get involved should you wish to. 

The Proprietors acknowledge the fantastic work that the Board of Trustees and Mr Garry and his team do in the college, and it is a real pleasure to be able to support them.