Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Māori Language Petition.
This year marked a special year for Te Wiki o te Reo. 50 years ago, on September 14th 1972, with over 30,000 signatures, the Māori Language Petition (Te Petihana) was presented to Parliament. This petition was the starting point for the revitalisation of te reo in Aotearoa, including the creation of Māori Language Week.
To celebrate such a momentous occasion, students enjoyed traditional games of Kī-o-rahi, form time quizzes and experiments with the trials of Google Translate, and student and teacher "use te reo in class" competitions. There were also te reo Movies on offer, a cafe reo for staff and on the anniversary of the petition, te reo classes were able to watch the events live at Parliament and take part in the nation wide Māori Language Moment.
Congratulations go to 9DOS who won the Form Group Challenge. Also to Bede O'Connell and Jed Crawford who won the student prize for the language competition and to Matua Andrew Hore who won the staff language competition.
Tēnei te mihi nui ki a koutou i tautoko ai i te kaupapa o Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori. - Huge thanks to all who supported Māori Language Week.