Summer Holiday Reading Mystery Pack
At McGlashan, we run a summer holiday reading programme where the Year 7 and 8 boys receive staff help to choose a big bag of books to keep them reading over the summer. Books are selected specifically for each boy using his borrowing history and interests as a guide. We also try to choose high interest books which might challenge and extend his reading level with an emphasis on reading for pleasure. Also included in the bag is a list of all the books he has read during the year which he can show to his parents and discuss the books he has enjoyed. They can then compliment him on his wonderful reading!
The more senior boys may fill their own bags but the library staff are only too happy to help with their selection.
SHRIMP packs are collected on Thursday December 3rd, the day before Junior Prize Giving, and are due back on the first day of the new school year. We suggest that the boys keep the books in the book bag so that they will know where to find them when it comes time to return to school in 2016.
McGlashan boys did more reading than ever last summer with a whopping 2500 books and 126 SHRIMP packs issued over the holidays. Both boys and parents have given us some amazingly positive feedback about the books in their packs and the ‘book talk’ they’ve enjoyed as a family. We are always thrilled with the response and with the level of reading that this represents.
Happy Reading
Pam Garry
Library Manager