“The good thing about science is that it’s true whether or not you believe in it.”– Neil deGrasse Tyson
Another busy year of sciencing draws to an end! Time to put away the dissecting knives, turn off the Bunsens and hang up the lab coats. No more strange smells wafting in the corridors or the distant sound of the smoke alarm in room 10. The quadrats are away and the field trips are done. The last Kahoot has been Kahooted and the sound of breaking test tubes are a distant memory.....
2019 has been another great year in the science department. Whether NCEA or IB, junior or senior, the boys have had a busy year of biology, chemistry, physics and earth and space science.
Congratulations to all who took part in this years ICAS science especially Martin Brook who gained a "High Distinction" putting him in the top 1% in Australasia. Also to the IB year 13 chemistry students who took out the University of Otago chemistry quiz.
One particular goal for the department this year has been a focus on global awareness and environmental stewardship and I have personally seen some excellent projects work and had some amazing discussions with classes and individual students around some of the issues facing us and the planet and possible actions and solutions.
It has been awesome to follow the work that some of our junior students have been doing with the Dunedin town belt Kaitiaki. https://www.facebook.com/TownBeltKaitiaki/
We welcomed Clark Boswell who joined the team at the beginning of term 2. Clark had been teaching in China for 8 years, followed by a stint at Scotts College in Wellington. He replaces Nigel Pacey who left at the end of 2018 to work for Fish and Game NZ.
I hope the exams have gone well for our senior students and wish all the Year 13s the best for their first year at whichever university, polytech or place of employment they end up.
Heres to a well earned break to both staff and students
Happy Christmas form the science department
Geoff, Clark, Emily, Andrew, Hamish, Chris and Craig