Tracking down some ex-students.

Friday 19th May 2023

While we don't normally promote watching a television series, we will on this occasion!

On Monday night 2 ex-students will take part in a multi-week outdoor gameshow challenge. Below is an excerpt from a New Zealand Herald article written by Lillie Rohan. A link to the full story is included at the end of the article.

"Strap in New Zealand, Vinnie Jones has successfully infiltrated our shores and brought with him a very daring new show.

Hitting our screens soon, Three’s new survival adventure series Tracked, hosted by the former football hardman, will follow 16 individuals, in teams of two, from all around the world navigating their way through the rugged wilderness of the South Island.

Guided from base camp with the help of psychologist and military expert Dr Alia Bojilova and former Royal Marine Dave Kassapian, The Trackers – aka active special forces officers – will hunt down the teams, aiming to eliminate them before they reach the extraction point."

"Meet Gabe and Riley, two Wānaka-based lads who are not only hunting conservationists but YouTube sensations. The mates have crossed the Southern Alps so many times they can’t keep count and, when the opportunity to be tracked came along, they did the most stereotypical 20-year-old boy thing and thought, why not?

Strengths: These Kiwi lads are no strangers to challenging situations. The first time they did a big trip together, they found themselves against the main divide of the Southern Alps, where they were caught in a large snowstorm and had to navigate their way back to a hut over many hours with dying headlights and no navigation devices. Silly, but impressive.

Weaknesses: Riley doesn’t like being in constant fear … unfortunately for the Central Otago local, that’s the point of this competition."