Encouragement for Boys Growing in Their Faith

Friday 30th September 2022

The Chaplain's Log

In my role as chaplain I, with others, have the privilege to encourage and nurture the special Christian character of John McGlashan.  With the wider management and pastoral team we aspire to the formation of a school culture that seeks to build and support good foundations for life.  Often times the underlying concern shaping chapel themes is the question of what it might mean to 'spend' life well.  From a Christian perspective this question is informed by the conviction that God desires relationship with all people and just as people are called to love God with all the hearts, souls, minds and strength, we are likewise told to love 'our neighbour'.  As the boys will tell you Jesus goes to quite some length to get us to think about who this includes (i.e everyone without distinction and prejudice).

Alongside this service to the whole school I have the wonderful opportunity to encourage and support boys in their faith journeys.  To this end I am continuing to try and network boys who are Christians (or who are interested in this spiritual journey) and gather them to grow and pray together.  Martin Brook our Special Character prefect is also involved in a Christian group which gathers every Wednesday lunchtime in the chapel.  I am also very keen to network and encourage interested parents to 'gather' (maybe on Zoom?) to pray for their boys and for the wider school.  Please email me as I would love to be in touch (andrew.nicol@mglashan.school.nz).  Thank you to the parents who have already donated goodies to encourage the younger boys to gather.  There is a great opportunity for these boys to grow in friendship and in the depth of their faith as they support one another.