As I write this, I find it hard to believe that this is the penultimate newsletter for the year. Ready or not, we will be sprinting ahead to the end of the term and what that means for each of us.
Firstly, as an update to the fete, the final figure raised was a staggering $57,000. Part of these funds will go towards lighting for the tennis courts, and part towards curriculum resourcing, both of which benefit every boy in the school. I would like to thank Fete Convenor Sandy Guy and the Parents and Friends’ Association for their commitment, and also a big thank you to everyone who rolled up their sleeves on the day. The fete is about so much more than raising money - it is an opportunity for us to come together as a community and I was pleased to see so many of you there.
Coming up this term, the Year 9 boys will be experiencing Outdoor Education week while the Year 10s will be involved in a week-long camp at Lake Ohau and Glentanner. Later in the term, these boys will have their horizons broadened by Arts Week and work experience activities.
At the Leavers’ Dinner every year, I hear boys claim that their various camps have been the highlight of their time at McGlashan. The Year 7 boys have just returned from their annual camp at Berwick and I hope you have heard many tales of their exploits over the dinner table. These experiences are tailored to challenge each successive year level and to create opportunities which help them gain new insight and maturity as they head towards adulthood.
I was very impressed with the tone of senior exam week in the first week of the term. The boys took their examinations very seriously, and I am sure that they will carry this approach through to the end of the year, taking advantage of the tutorials offered in the week leading up to their external examinations.
The Board of Proprietors has made a commitment to refurbish the three science laboratories. The upgrade is long overdue and will focus on enhancing educational opportunities. As soon as the seniors go on exam leave, the area will be cordoned off, and work will commence. It is likely that there will be some disruption at the start of 2017, but it will be well worth the wait.
As I mentioned in the previous newsletter, the Board of Trustees recently made two appointments; Mr John Veitch will be deputy principal in charge of the day to day running of the college, and Mr Iain McGilchrist will be deputy principal in charge of curriculum and teacher development. We had a formal assembly last week to welcome John, and I believe that both he and Iain will add significant expertise to the already highly skilled Senior Leadership Group. Lochie Chittock, Head Boy, welcomed Mr Veitch on behalf of the boys and acknowledged the Senior Management Group for their hard work. Reverend Barry Kelk, Chaplain, also acknowledged the appointment of Mr Veitch and Mr McGilchrist.
I am confident that the college is in good hands; John and Iain in their positions as deputy principals, and with assistant principals Mr Chris Knopp and Mrs Sue Porter, these people form a formidable and highly competent innovative leadership group.
I would like to wish the senior boys all the best for their exams and hope that all the hard work they have put in will pay dividends.