The DISC (Dunedin International Social Committee) has been revolutionary in the way the schools in Dunedin have conducted their international socials over the last three years.
DISC socials have successfully achieved their purpose of getting the international students from a range of schools in Otago to meet each other and have fun while taking part in a variety of activities including ice skating, ‘Leap’ trampoline park, BBQ and sports, dodgeball, dinner parties and bowling.
This year’s Term 1 social was at Bowline in Kaikorai Valley and was arranged by Nathan Scott and myself, Jiro Chen. Approximately 65 people showed up hailing from Columba College, St Hilda’s Collegiate and John McGlashan College. We had a great time bowling and afterwards, a delicious dinner at KFC. It was fantastic to have such a huge turn out at the social and everyone had a lot of fun.
Nathan and I would like to thank the schools who attended. We are encouraging the international prefects from other schools to liaise with each other and ourselves to organise future socials.
Thanks for reading, see you next time.