‘Where no man has gone before.’

Tuesday 8th August 2023

As we try to steer an even course through the ever-evolving changes in education, I am reminded of the phrase from Star Trek: "Where no man has gone before."

Toby at Year 7/8 swimming lessons
Toby at Year 7/8 swimming lessons

Principal's Foreword 

The realm of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a widespread subject of discussion, and just as Captain James T. Kirk and his crew sought information from AI on the Starship Enterprise, we are exploring the possibilities of AI in education.

It is evident that the introduction of ChatGPT in 2022 sparked apprehension and raised concerns about its impact on authenticity, knowledge retention, and the potential for AI to replace human connection. Many people were worried that AI could diminish the value of human effort, particularly in educational settings. This scepticism led to some people rejecting the idea of students using AI assistance for their work. But this is not the way things are evolving. It is not about AI taking over your job but about utilising AI to enhance your work. At John McGlashan College, we recognise the potential of AI as an opportunity rather than a threat. AI can be a powerful tool to enrich teaching, deepen learning, and prepare our students for a technology-driven future. We might not be at the point where we can say, "Beam me up, Scotty," but we are rapidly moving toward a world where AI's role in education could lead us into new and uncharted territory.

I am delighted to welcome Michelle Loggenberg as our new Financial Manager; her expertise will be invaluable. Marissa Bruce also joins us, taking the helm of our Gateway programme and overseeing various responsibilities, including reception, finance and the administration of relief teaching.

Please mark your calendars for Saturday, 9th September, as the countdown begins for our annual Fete. A very big thank you to Sandy Rasmussen and her dedicated team, who have been planning and organising fete activities since this time last year. This is always an enjoyable and unifying community event - we look forward to your participation and support.

As we move forward, let's remember that the power of AI lies in its ability to enhance, not replace, human ingenuity and collaboration. With the spirit of exploration and learning, we can boldly venture where no educational institution has gone before.

Live long and prosper.

Neil Garry


Evers, Harper and Glen in Columba's Mama Mia production
Oliver at badminton
Dino at badminton
Sam with his woodwork project
Sam - 2nd XV
8B Basketball team - now in the finals
Mac on the bagpipes at the 1st XV game
Mac piping the 1st XV out
Mac fending off OBHS for the 1st XV
Mighty 3rd XI hocley - now in the finals
3rd XI Hockey