Friday 22nd September 2023

We celebrated something special in our world of sports at John McGlashan College – the awarding of Summer Sports Blues. These Blues are the top recognition for sports within our school.

They're given to students who are incredibly skilled in their chosen sport. At our school, a Sports Blue isn't just given away; you have to earn it by being excellent and achieving great things in sports. Our students are dedicated to their sports. 85% of boys at McGlashan play a sport, and they play three sports each. Otago is the top province in NZ with 62% participation, and the National average is about 50% participation.

To get a Sports Blue, students must be very good at their sport and show that they're committed, not just now and then, but all the time. It's not just for participating; it's for being truly awesome at your sport. Some of the criteria for picking who gets Sporting Blues are being in a first team for at least two years, representing Otago in regional teams and medals in South Island or National sports events. Service to sports is also important because boys can only play with dedicated students coaching teams or refereeing.

It's important to know that getting a Sports Blue isn't automatic, even if you meet the minimum rules. It's not for just being around for a long time; it's a big deal, and we give it to the people who deserve it. As we celebrate amazing sports here, let's remember how important the Sports Blue is at John McGlashan College. It shows that our students are incredible at sports and work hard. It's the highest honour we can give them. Congratulations to all the students who have earned this special award, and keep on inspiring us with your sports talent.

Seb Ferro     AthleticsMillar McElrea    AthleticsMason Gain    CricketJoe Devereux Kilpatrick.    CricketJonty Reily    CricketHenry Scott    CricketLiam Barron    CricketJosh Grieve    CyclingConnor Howe    GolfHarvey O'Neil    GolfHaydn Finlay    MTBNoah Hamilton    RowingOliver Hamilton    RowingCharlie Curran    RowingMatt O’Meara    RowingHenry Bowering    RowingAidan Seyb    RowingAngus Loe    RowingSerge Meeuws    Rugby LeaugeLuca Bevin    ServiceEwan Beadell    SwimmingAlex Piebenga    TouchNick Casey    TouchMax Hore    Touch/CricketJohn Mengal    VolleyballHamish McIntyre    VolleyballTheo Nicol    VolleyballNic Hinton    VolleyballTate Cameron    VolleyballFlynn McGuigan    WaterpoloJacob Struthers    Waterpolo