New modern learning trial in Year 7.
For the last three weeks of this term, the three Year 7 classes have embarked on a trial of a new collaborative learning space. The space is located in the old library, which has been renamed ‘The Link’. It has been an exciting opportunity for the boys to work together, and to work with teachers other than their normal homeroom teacher.
The new space has been developed into a very comfortable learning environment. There are silent study spaces, group collaboration tables, soft seating for reading and a plenary area where all students can gather together. Boys can make decisions about how they work, and this has led to lots of discussion and reflection on how we best learn.
Although the physical space has changed, many aspects of the programme have not. We still work in our small class groupings, and at times each class may have the whole space to themselves. For one period a day we come together for our shared learning. At the moment, our focus is on leadership through our study of ‘Changemakers’. We have interviewed prefects, looked at the qualities of great leaders, and now students are researching leaders. We are producing lapbooks, wax museums and documentaries, and we hope to showcase this work early in term 3.
We are currently seeking feedback from students and from parents to gather their thoughts about the experience. Whatever the outcome, we are grateful to have had the opportunity to work in a more creative way and to build relationships between the year 7 students.