On Saturday 23rd May, I had the pleasure of accompanying our International students to the Year 12 and 13 school formal which was held at the Otago Museum.
It was organised by the student council and from what I heard, was by far the best formal they've had in years. To be honest it was my first formal ever as I went to school in the UK where formals are not as popular.
The theme was 'Tropical Island' which was refreshing for the start of winter. Our international boys looked very smart with their dates from high schools around Dunedin. As we arrived at the venue, boys and girls greeted us by giving us each a lae (flower necklace), handshake and a tropical fruit juice. The boys and their dates also had their photos taken upon arrival.
After some mingling, we all took our seats and chatted whilst dinner was being prepared. It was nice to see so many staff members there, interacting with the boys and their partners.
We were served a dinner of roast pork with pineapple, a curry, noodle salad, some other sides, and cake for desert.
The evening was a huge success and the boys had a lovely time at the museum, before going to the afterparty. Throughout the night, our School Chaplain's photography company, 'Kelk Photography' took 1368 fantastic photos which are available on his website.
On behalf of the International Department I would like to thank Mr Jones and the student council for organising such a successful event, the staff who attended, Mr Kelk for his photography services and our international boys who made such a great effort to attend.