"Get Help in Gilray" - NZQA Exam Tutorial Programme

Monday 14th September 2015

A formal timetable of subject tutorials for students in Y11-13  will be available during the four weeks that NZQA exams will be running.

Early in term 4, a tutorial timetable will be sent out to students and parents indicating times when senior students can access support from their subject teachers to assist them with their exam preparation. The programme will be referred to as "Get Help in Gilray",  as the Gilray block classrooms will be where all the tutoring is centralised.

Three timetabled tutorial sessions per subject will be running in the 5 days leading up to the external exam in that subject.

Students can choose which subjects they need help with and they can attend one or all three of these sessions, depending on their needs and their other subject commitments.

There will be a booking link for these tutorials so that students can formally book into specific tutorials. This is to aid the teachers with their planning and to indicate the staffing requirements. Attendance will be recorded.

To maximise the impact of this help, students will be expected to come to these tutorials with questions or problems with exam questions from previous NZQA exam papers (available on-line at http://www.nzqa.govt.nz/ncea/assessment) or bring in practice tasks or draft essays. 

Students are able to wear mufti to these tutorials.