Messages of Aroha project exhibition at the Fringe HQ available for viewing from July 1st!
Kia ora koutou katoa,
Since our last announcement of the M.O.A project, there have been a few developments!
Submissions for the Messages of Aroha project are now closed and we are in the process of finalising our M.O.A. booklet. Prolific local industry creative Lara MacGregor has contributed a beautiful and heart wrenching open letter to the project detailing her losses as a working director, actor, and film actor, as well as those of her colleagues and friends over the course of this pandemic.
Not only has the project been picked up by the Fringe to be exhibited in their 'white box' display for the public, but they are also hosting us for an invite-only launch event at the end of this month! This will be an awesome service opportunity for our students - our head boy, arts prefects, and other students will be hosting the event, speaking for the project, and curating our display. They will also be providing musical entertainment for the evening!
In other news, the DCC's new arts initiative Ara Toi will be covering the project and featuring us on their new instagram page and newsletter. The Star will also be doing a write up on us as well.
Make sure you pop by the Fringe HQ (19 George Street, down by the escalators to the public library) to see our exhibit beginning July 1st for the month!