Friday 3rd June 2022

Here are the worthy recipients of the Year 10 Dean's Awards for the month of May.

As we near the back end of Term Two, it is fair to say that the school year is now well under way. In Year 10, there are some who continue to make progress rather than excuses, which has been particularly important as of late - with all of the interruptions that the school and students have faced due to illness and Covid-19.

The recipients, all of whom successfully made immense progress and continued to display strong character in the month of May were:

10 GAV - Caleb Ung

10 RKO - Angus Burns

10 SMN - Rian Gillon

10 TSH - Brayton Erskine and Corbin Simpson

Caleb Ung

Caleb has shown, time and again, that he is determined to achieve great things - both inside and out of the hallowed walls here at JMC. In the month of May, he was a diligent and determined student and often helped those around him. Such commendable efforts are now expected from Caleb, as he has consistently shown them in his time here, but it is nice to be able to give him his due recognition. 

Angus Burns

Angus, or Mr Sir Angus Burns as he is most aptly known, has been another consistent achiever and his polite and amiable nature has helped in allowing him to often stand out head and shoulders above the pack. Angus continued to build on the platform he set himself in Term 1, and made some pleasing progress in the month of May. Congratulations, Mr Sir Angus Burns.

Rian Gillon

Rian took a leap in the month of May. This leap was from the operating mode of 'satisfactory' to 'outstanding'. With a little extra effort, Rian has started to make more pleasing progress in class and has often stood out, due to his more determined approach to the task at hand. I am very hopeful that this is just the beginning of a very pleasing trend. Nice work, Rian.

Brayton Erskine

Brayton is another who seems to have stepped up in recent times, with his increase in effort being widely recognised and, now, duly rewarded. Brayton has applied himself more fastidiously and has made significant progress as a result. Yet again, I think this is just the beginning of a very positive trend and I will be watching his efforts over the next few months with an eager eye. Good man, Brayton.

Corbin Simpson

Corbin has matured well in Year 10 - showing that he has a much more determined approach to his learning. Corbin has been making steady progress in each of his subjects, largely due to a concentrated effort to make positive changes in his own actions. It is great to see that Corbin has made this decision for himself and is gaining the appropriate recognition of such a pleasing change. Great stuff, Corbin!