The College's four houses, Balmacewen, Burns, Gilray and Ross, conduct preliminary trials in the build up to Athletics Day.
The fiercely-contested inter-house competition begins on Friday the 26th of February with the school Athletics Day. Over the last week, houses have engaged in preliminary events to find their best runners, jumpers and throwers to enter in the championship events. Every year, students perform at a very high level in the championships, with house points for placing and extra points for breaking a school record.
The standard events are no less important in the competition. Participation is key here, and house captains rally their teams to enter as many standards as possible. The final score depends pivotally on house participation in the standard events.
Students must wear their house singlets and PE shorts to sports day. They should also bring water, sunblock, a sunhat, and warm clothing. In case of postponement, parents will be notified by text or email. Boys should be prepared to compete on the next fine school day.