Head Prefect Assembly Address

Thursday 1st February 2024

Hello and welcome back. I am Jonty Riley, and I stand before you with a sense of honour and responsibility as your Head Prefect for 2024. For those who are new, welcome to John McGlashan.

To our incoming year 7s and 9s embarking on their journey at the college, I wish you the best of luck. Your time at Johnnie's like mine will be filled with growth, friendship, and countless memorable experiences.

Before we dive into the upcoming year, allow me a moment of reflection. You see, I was in your shoes not too long ago, I vividly remember my first day at JMC. As I sat before my Head prefect on the first day, in my oversized uniform and clumpy shoes. Standing here now I can assure you, you will grow into them. Throughout your first years, you will have countless great memories such as inter-schools, inter-house sports, house singing, and general hanging out with your mates at school.

As we reunite after a well-deserved break, I trust that each of you has had a chance to recharge and return with a positive mindset and are ready to tackle the year head-on.

Let's consider what we aim to achieve this year. For myself, I look forward to strengthening the bonds between year groups and enhancing the house competition we already have. I plan to lead with integrity, foster a spirit of camaraderie, and uphold the values that make Johnnies such an awesome place.

I encourage each of you to set your own goals, whether they be in academics, arts, sports, or personal growth. John McGlashan is a place with so many opportunities. Seize every chance to learn, to challenge yourself, and to make lasting connections.

Throughout the year let's show respect, and care for one another, not only fellow students but just as importantly, your teachers and faculty around you. McGlashan has always prided itself on being a safe environment for all boys. So let's continue to uphold the principles that the college represents.

In the spirit of brotherhood, let's make it a habit to chat with one another. Don't hesitate to say hello when we cross paths, as even things as simple as this, build the strong bonds that define our mcglashan experience.

The Quote - ``We few, we happy few, we band of brothers' ' you walk past it every day at the head of the gym.

For most of you, it is a quote that you have heard regularly. But rarely is its true meaning and depth unpacked. The quote itself comes from Shakespeare where a war speech given by Henry the 5th is featured in a play.

King Henry motivates his small and severely outnumbered army before the Battle of Agincourt.

After hearing the speech the English under Henry's command go on to win the battle and complete a near miracle. This speech encapsulates exactly what it means to be a brother. Throughout the speech, Henry constantly uses the word honour. He talks about what an honour and privilege it is to be a part of a brotherhood, where he knows full well that the men before him will bleed and die for each other. They have a special bond that goes beyond the surface.

This is something that we at Mcglashan can strive to achieve. Being part of a small group much like Henry's army, is a privilege and you should all firstly feel grateful. But being given this privilege we must all live up to the law of brotherhood. This means showing respect, honesty, and integrity. No form of bullying or abuse towards anyone is ever tolerated within this law.

So can we continue to create and add to our mcglashan community to a point where, when walking through the school that underlying sense of brotherhood can be felt between all?

Thanks for listening, all the best for the year ahead. Please do not be afraid to come and have a chat. Enjoy the first day. Cheers boys.