Lessons from Learning Support - Call in the SAS!

Sunday 15th September 2019

As the end of term approaches, and we get closer to NCEA external examinations for senior students, it is time to think about making a study plan and using your time and resources to the best of your ability.

Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson

A programme that we offer at John McGlashan is the Senior Assisted Study tutorials - or SAS for short. 

This is a tutorial programme that runs during senior study leave. Teachers of our senior classes provide times for students to come in and receive specific support with their study. This can be really helpful for students to:

  • have questions answered that might come from their independent study
  • give focus to your individual programme
  • provide structure to your day

The tutorials are run at school, during school time. 

Although tutorials are not compulsory, they are highly recommended.

It is expected that students will register to attend them. This is to ensure that teachers have adequate space and resources for the students that attend. Parents can view the registration document here, but it is the student's responsibility to register. All students will be sent a registration link.

There is a full timetable of the programme, this can be viewed here. Details of venues for tutorials are still being updated and any changes will be recorded on these documents.

It is expected that students who opt to attend these tutorials will come prepared with questions and all the equipment required.

Any questions can be directed to - donna.smith@mcglashan.school.nz