Year 13 Drama Production: The Boy Who Blew Up the Pandemic

Friday 14th June 2024

We're pleased to announce this year's major Drama Production in conjunction with Playmarket NZ - 'The Boy Who Blew Up the Pandemic' by Ken Mizusawa!

Year 13 Drama major production 2024
Year 13 Drama major production 2024

'Topical' might be understating it when it comes to the theme for this year's drama production. This very 'on the nose' reinterpretation of the Covid-19 Pandemic certainly hits quite close to home - in no small part due to the expert delivery from our most seasoned drama students alongside their peers from Columba.

On one side - the New Zealand media. — Image by: Peter Claman

Here's the synopsis:

Kevin believes that he is responsible for the universe.

Having worked out mathematically how the universe actually functions, he ensures the stability of the universe by performing a series of carefully calculated morning rituals that nullify the damaging effects of the many careless, random everyday things people get up to around the world that have the potential to upset the cosmic balance. When he fails to complete his rituals one March morning in 2021 and the COVID-19 pandemic situation in the country suddenly escalates to the point of a nationwide lockdown, he is convinced that he is personally at fault for unleashing this global crisis in his part of the world and for causing all the online anger, frustration, fear and hatred that has added to its destructive potential.

On the other, the protestors and their placards! — Image by: Peter Claman

An adaptation of the play The Boy Who Caused 9/11, updated for the social media age, the production provides the students with a lot of challenging themes to cover and tones to strike.

Caught in the middle - the young students. — Image by: Peter Claman

In this week's rehearsal it was amazing to see how they're rising to the challenge, with their gripping performance becoming more finely-tuned with each iteration! In the coming weeks there will also be opportunities for students to get involved behind the scenes.

'It's All My Fault' — Image by: Peter Claman

'The Boy Who Blew Up the Pandemic' will be held in the Drama Room at the Edgar Learning Centre for friends and family on Tuesday July 2nd at 5pm.

Year 13 Drama major production 2024 — Image by: JMC Arts Hub

A big thank you to the Parents and Friends Association for funding additional lighting, props and wardrobe!

Year 13 Drama major production 2024
Year 13 Drama major production 2024
On one side - the New Zealand media.
On the other, the protestors and their placards!
Caught in the middle - the young students.
'It's All My Fault'