Saturday 30th March 2024

Do you know about the origin of the Easter Bunny?

This week, Years 9-11 students enjoyed learning about German Easter traditions and special food. Easter is a significant holiday in Germany, marking the culmination of the Lenten period that begins on Ash Wednesday (Carneval). It is a joyous occasion celebrated with candy, culinary delights, and animal folklore. While every country has unique customs, Germany's Easter traditions are noteworthy. After all, it was in western Germany that the EASTER BUNNY, or rather OSTERHASE, originated. The Y9 German students started the Easter week with competitions like the egg run, sack race, and a fast Easter memory game. Throughout the week, all German students had the opportunity to participate in various indoor and outdoor activities centred around Easter, including quizzes, Easter booklets, and egg dyeing. Finally, everyone enjoyed lots of chocolate eggs, and the senior class had a typical German Easter breakfast with a fresh yeast plait (Hefezopf) and Quark. 

FROHE OSTERN!🐰 from all the German students and the German language Team: Herr Niemann, Frau Andreas, and Frau Renner. 

Unfortunately, we also had to farewell Tristan in Y 10, who is leaving for Perth in Australia. We wish him all the best for his new school, where he will continue to learn German. It would be great if we could stay in touch with Tristan and his new German class. Tschüss und gute Reise von deiner Deutschklasse  

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