Wednesday 9th February 2022
Outstanding work from William who won first prize in the Robbie Burns Poetry Competition Junior Section late last year.
The faurer we be from our hame,
The mair we see wha’ we are.
Back at hame we a’ ur the same,
Bit here mah kilt cause a stir.
Back at hame ah wis an average lad,
Hee haw was different from ithers,
Bit here mah speak makes them mad
Ah speak an’ thay talk back with smithers.
We was promised a land just like our hame
Edinburgh, but in a freish space,
Bit instead we got a place where oor
Scots speak just sounds out of place.
Ah felt like normal way back there
Just a farmer who liv’d normally
But now I feel so different,
Mah Scottish being more part of me.