In this instalment of The Prefects' Pew, we hear from Deputy Head Boy, George Bell.
Hello, George, here. When I was announced Deputy Head Boy, I was extremely grateful for the opportunity, but I also knew that when much is given, much will be expected. One of the things that I try to do is talk to the younger boys, as I was once in that position and having a senior say “Sup” made me chuffed. Sport is a massive part of my life. During the summer I played cricket for the First XI and did athletics. First XV rugby takes the frame during winter. This year I want to come out a wiser man and make lasting memories of my time at the college.
My Prefects' Pew has come round after a very successful term one. Sadly this also means we farewell the hot weather and say hello to gusty winds and rain. Firstly, I would like to congratulate Jez Nicholson-Kelly, Tim Scott and Patrick Zang. These boys have recently been chosen as Prefects and exemplify many characteristics of the McGlashan; deserving their spots. After missing out on the original group, they didn't dwell on it. They got up and kept moving forward, which is a tough thing to do. Well done and I hope that these great will rub off onto the rest of the school.
It’s exciting times at McGlashan with the Formal on the 18th. I’m sure all the boys will be looking very dapper. I hope that the boys will swallow their pride and have a giggle on the dance floor — credit to Sam Clulee, who has undertaken the difficult job of organising the event. The next event on the agenda is cross country; never an easy task, but hopefully the boys will represent their respective houses well and give it all they got.
Term two is also home to three winter sports exchanges. Last week on Wednesday was the first ever exchange against Southland Boys High School. Sports exchanges are always fierce rivalries and every single boy that went down represented the crest proudly. Later on in the term St. Andrews College will come down and take on the factory. The boys are getting excited to take on the big fig from Christchurch. The last exchange is against Timaru Boys', who are also a strong school.
To the class of 2019, you have set the bar high after a great first term. Term two is always harder, as illness and colds come into the equation. Keep working hard and don't slip; you don't want it to come round to the end of the year and have regrets. Leave it all out on the park, and you will be rewarded. Having a balanced lifestyle is essential, so have some sensible fun along the way. As the older students of the school, we need to be good role models for the rest of the school, so when we leave, they will keep the standards high.