Thursday 24th August 2017

The 23rd of September is a date to mark in your diary this year, and not because of the general election. It is far more exciting. It is John McGlashan Fete day!

John McGlashan Fete 2016
John McGlashan Fete 2016

From 11 am to 2 pm the school will be alive with the sights, smells, and sounds of our annual fundraising fete. For parents, pupils and friends of the school it is an opportunity to join in the school community; this wonderful blend of the urban and rural offers a school fete with a difference.  

This year the funds with be going to an exciting outdoor education project(s), which will benefit the boys for many years to come.

Many people have been busy at work organising for the day but we are grateful for all the support that makes the day a success. Support can be as simple as dropping off some second hand goods, or making a cake, or some sweets for the stalls, donations of food items, or money to purchase them, or giving up your time for a few hours. Every bit of the puzzle filled makes for a successful day.

But most of all we would love to see you on Fete day, come along and join in this celebration of John McGlashan College.

If you have any questions please contact Sandy Guy, the fete convenor, at

Sponsors for the 2017 John McGlashan fete
Sponsors for the 2017 John McGlashan fete
Sponsors for the 2017 John McGlashan fete
Sponsors for the 2017 John McGlashan fete
Sponsors for the 2017 John McGlashan fete
Sponsors for the 2017 John McGlashan fete
Sponsors for the 2017 John McGlashan fete
Sponsors for the 2017 John McGlashan fete
Sponsors for the 2017 John McGlashan fete
Sponsors for the 2017 John McGlashan fete
Sponsors for the 2017 John McGlashan fete
Sponsors for the 2017 John McGlashan fete
Sponsors for the 2017 John McGlashan Fete
Sponsors for the 2017 John McGlashan Fete