Sunday 29th November 2015

Unbelievably, we find ourselves at the end of another school year. Another group of new boys has completed their first year in the college while the Year 13 cohort leaves us as young men, eager to hit the world running.

This term, almost without exception, the senior boys have maintained their focus on external NCEA and IB examinations. We have been very pleased with their response to the extended tutorial programme in which teaching and structured support was available right up until their examinations started. We hope that the rewards will be evident when results come back in January.

Year 10 Arts Week was highly successful and extremely valuable, not only in broadening the boys’ attitudes, but also in adding another dimension to their lives. If we look at the world’s greatest scientists and inventors, we see that many have also been gifted artists and musicians and I believe that if we cultivate this creativity we will ensure that the next generation has the problem-solving skills and creative solutions needed for the future. In teaching the arts we find that classes are more collaborative and less competitive, boys are engaged and are part of the learning process. When they are faced with the physical challenges of camp they have to draw on all their resources which creates an opportunity for personal growth and a new-found level of maturity. Resilience has been a focus topic for staff discussion this year and I am a firm believer that these challenges make men out of boys.

The board and staff are currently undertaking the strategic planning process for 2016 and beyond. The building blocks of our collective vision for John McGlashan College are described below. This vision needs to be clearly understood and owned by us all as stake holders.

  • Excellence in teaching and learning founded upon high quality inter-personal relationships which value individual differences and enrich the learning  environment.
  • Recruiting, retaining and supporting outstanding teachers and the enhancement of exceptional relationships in a highly productive, collegial and personalised learning environment.
  • Enhancing personal well-being and satisfaction with both staff and students actively contributing to a grounded, inclusive and highly productive school wide culture.
  • Continual improvement and review with a clear focus on maximising educational opportunities for every boy. Staff sharing their skills and knowledge, and actively leading a school-wide culture of Inquiry.
  • The primary goal is to grow holistic educational opportunities which build character, resilience, and a healthy mind and body. Academic success will follow.

Hopefully some of these ideals will assist us in setting our direction for the future. 

Important notices for next year such as the daily timetable and start times are included in this newsletter along with a calendar for Term 1. Further term dates and important information about stationery orders for 2016 are also included.

The website address is:

Most questions that newcomers, old hands and curious students might have about the college, and its start-up procedures, are answered there.

In the last newsletter, a number of staff appointments were listed for 2016. In addition to these, Ms Anna Tremberth, who has worked in the junior department in recent years, will take up the remainder of Michele Rodgers’ maternity leave. This is likely to remain the situation for all of 2016. I am very confident that these appointments will continue to lift our professional capabilities within the staff, and lower the average age!

Following the resignation of the deputy principal, the senior management structure for 2016 will be managed internally. This will give the board an opportunity to consider the composition of the senior management group and how any future appointment will best fit with our strategic direction.

Senior Management Group for 2016

The chief purpose of the senior management team is to manage the day-to-day running of the college and ensure that its culture has a positive impact on teaching and learning.

Iain McGilchrist - Deputy Principal

Curriculum review, curriculum development – teaching, professional development, NZQA, staffing, appraisal, College of Education students, all curriculum related committees, prize givings.

Chris Knopp - Deputy Principal

Assessment, calendar, quality assurance systems, information systems, reporting, systems support, IB Co-ordinator, communications and timetable.

Sue Porter - Senior Assistant Principal

Learning Support/supporting learning, special assessment conditions, Peer Support, mentoring and Peer Tutoring, Maori and Pasifika, tutorials, service and vocational programmes.

Craig Preston - Assistant Principal

Pastoral care - students and staff, chair of the pastoral group, tone and behaviour, liaison with deans and form teachers.

Bruce James - Assistant Principal

Events, relief, leave, duty, pipe band, special projects, health and safety.

Deans 2016

  • Andrew Hore - Years 7, 8 and 9
  • Bruce James - Years 10 and 11
  • Glen Clark - Years 12 and 13

Finally, I take this opportunity to thank you all, parents, teachers, staff and boys, for your contribution to the college this year. You play a very special part in our McGlashan community. We have a remarkable group of young men here in this school, and it is staffed by dedicated and positive professionals who have strong relationships with your boys. It is no surprise that so many achieve so much. That was never clearer than at the Leavers’ Service and dinner last night. There, in a delightful celebration of achievement, camaraderie and school spirit, we farewelled the 2015 Year 13 cohort. Outstanding speeches, thoughtful reflections and much good humour all made it particularly memorable.

Have a wonderful Christmas, a relaxing holiday break and best wishes to you and your boys for a very successful New Year.

Craig Preston
Glen Clark
Andrew Hore