Whānau Hui - Monday 26th February 7.30-8.30pm in 207 (ELC)

Thursday 22nd February 2024

All Māori students and their whānau are warmly invited to join us for our first Whānau hui for the year.

The Whānau Hui meets approximately once a term to discuss and support the tikanga and taha Māori of the school. All whānau with students who identify as Māori are welcome. During these hui we look at what the needs of our Māori students and whānau are and what actions we can do to support them. We also discuss opportunities such as Mana Pounamu, Kura Reo and other scholarships etc.

For those who cannot attend in person we do also set up a zoom link. 

Please email lizzie.clark@mcglashan.school.nz if you will be attending (either in person or via zoom).

We look forward to seeing everyone.