With my Archivist cardigan on I have reason to look through the old school magazines. Did you know that they have now been ‘digitised’ and are available on-line.
Check out library.mcglashan.school.nz/#dashboard then scroll down to JMC Magazine and click on the crest or go directly to https://issuu.com/johnmcglashancollege/docs. Pam Garry runs an outstanding library in the Edgar Learning Centre. Let us know if you are in the area and would like to visit the Edgar Learning Centre – or indeed any other part of the College.
As the Archivist I get asked to search for information and I come across some amazing stories and photos. One I found reminded me of our amateur thespian (that's acting) attempts. Digging in the Archives I found a photo of Sandy Ross (#561) presumably in HMS Pinafore, and one of Callum Hayde doing a bit of Shakespeare himself. I vaguely recall being one of the 3 little maids in the Mikado! Reading of the success of the students at the Shakespeare Festival showed me that McGlashan is still doing great things in this area.
Another thing I noticed from early magazines was the reports of the activities of The Old Collegians Association. I thought it would be fun to include some OCA excerpts from way back in each of these newsletters.
5th April 1922 from the Old Collegian’s Association
“The annual report was read and received by the meeting, which was then declared closed, thus allowing the members to make necessary preparations for the annual dance, which was held in the College dining-hall, simply yet beautifully decorated for the occasion. It is unfair to tantalise those who could not be present with too graphic an account of all the happy proceedings; sufficient is it to record that the Old Collegians departed with their partners at a late hour.”