These unusual times have been recorded by our youngest members of the school, to be returned and reflected on when they graduate in 2026.
The boys of 7DBe and 7MRo have written to themselves and completed a Covid-19 Lockdown Memory Vault that will be sealed in their capsule tubes at the end of the term. It has been interesting to see the diverse learning that happened at home during Level 4. Not only did the boys exceed expectations with their engagement with the distance learning programme from school, they completed exceptional personal projects with the help of people in their bubbles. It’s not often, while at school, the boys get to build a motorbike, make rockets from scratch, produce high-quality short films, perfect trick shots, and build bug motels. These were just a few of the many projects that were recognised as valuable learning-at-home experiences. It seemed a disservice to not have these accomplishments recorded for posterity.