Wednesday 11th March 2015

Learning more about our own back yard!

The bug hunt begins
The bug hunt begins

Water is a crucial element for life and water is an overarching theme that flows through our curriculum this year. In this study, we perform water quality testing using pH, temperature, conductivity, clarity and dissolved oxygen as indicators of the water quality in local streams.  Additionally we study the diversity and quantity of macro-invertebrates in those streams and the habitats themselves to judge the overall health of each stream we study.  Our data is then uploaded to the "Globe" worldwide online environmental database.

All three year 7 classes took turns to visit either the Leith or Fraser's creek water systems. The weather was very co-operative and good data was sourced.  The boys really seemed to enjoy the hands on work, and we will utilise the collected data in our upcoming 'Native New Zealand' topic and beyond.

Many thanks go to our former head of science, Mr Andrew Innes for organising study logistics, and to our three home room teachers, Ms Bell, Ms Rodger and Mr Hore for assisting with our study.
Measuring clarity of the Leith Stream
7MRO at Woodhaugh Gardens
Saul Mawhinney, Max Kirkwood, Oscar Lobb
Water flow testing at Leith Stream