Successful Sports Exchange in Invercargill

Thursday 19th May 2022

An early morning start didn't affect the results of the 4 bus loads of boys who travelled to play Southland Boys' High School.

The youngest team who travelled was our Year 7/8 Football boys who really set the tone with a dominant display to win the early football game 8-4. Both the Junior A 7-1, and the Senior A 5-1 had convincing victories in this code.

In a see sawing match the Junior Basketball team took out a close game 61-60. The Seniors followed up with another close victory 78-75.  

At the Hockey turf McGlashan continued on their winning way with way with both the Under 15s and 1st XI winning 7-1.

Our Golfers won the tie 3-1, and the Chess team won 13-3.

In Debating Maxwell Reid won the best speaker award as the Junior team won, with the Senior Debating team having a loss.

In Rugby the heavy loss by the Under 15 team did not reflect the match, especially as we started the first 15 minutes well. The 2nd XV went down in another tight game with the score blowing out to 7-22. The 1st XV got their season off to a great start with a well earned 23-17 victory, the first time we have ever beaten Southland in Invercargill.

Thank you to all the staff, coaches/ mangers, and supporters who had an early start to a successful day.