August, and Volume 1 of the McGlashan Alumni News, seem a long time ago. A lot has happened. The World Cup has come and definitely gone, the local authority elections are done (sad face), and some outstanding things continue to be happening at McGlashan.
In this newsletter we have stories on Old Boys (legally) distilling single malt whisky, an outstanding helicopter pilot, and an extraordinary marathon runner, and a comedian – plus more. Read on.
Some of the current McGlashan stories are told here but check out the excellent Pilkington Press that documents events from the College (under College Life/News on the website). In this newsletter we hear about the amazing success of the drama programme and other great stories from the College.
Maybe my favourite story was when I went on a search for George Lawrence (1955-58). Every now and again I put on my archivist cardigan and disappear into the archives. This time it was as the result of a request for information on George Lawrence from Bryan Lloyd, wanting to find George for a rugby reunion. Read below.
I finish with a bit of an editorial, including my thoughts on Agribusiness, and the Old Boy connection with McGlashan.
The response to McGlashan Alumni News Vol 1 (MAN – nice touch!) was great – thanks. BUT I need more stories, more news, more tips – and don’t let truth be a barrier. I hope you enjoy this edition. Please contact me for ‘anything Old Boys’ – missing people, reunions, events etc.
John Guthrie
Alumni Relations Manager