Thursday 16th May 2019

“From those whom much has been given, much will be expected.” Luke 12:48a

The entrance to the Edgar Learning Centre
The entrance to the Edgar Learning Centre

The above passage from the Bible is emblazoned in the Edgar Learning Centre as shown above. Our students whom frequent this space will see it day-in, and day-out. The words speak to the way in which we do so many things here at John McGlashan College. One such part, is service to our community. While serving and service is not compulsory, we see many students do it naturally and as part of their everyday lives - it is something that is embedded in the culture of the College.

Service and the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme

Students who undertake the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) here at the College are expected to commit some of their time to serve under the Creativity, Activity, and Service (CAS) component of the course. In CAS, the students learn about the importance of understanding global issues and how these issues impact us in our local context. The IBDP students regularly explore the connections between course based content and how this fits with local, national and international issues. Therefore, the IBDP students know their place, rights and responsibilities in the increasingly global society that we live in. The current Year 12 cohort of IBDP students are serving on a local level by partnering with the Town Belt Kaitiaki initiative. Soon we will see these IBDP students planting, trapping, and digitally mapping the section of the town belt bounded by Drivers Road, Como Street and Queens Drive.

Service and the Duke of Edinburgh Programme

Through the Voluntary Service section of the Duke of Edinburgh programme (DoE) students can volunteer in their community, and see how their service can make a positive difference. It can also help improve skills such as team-work and communication, building self-confidence as a result. Many of the students at the College who are involved in the DoE currently or in the past have found rewarding service activities in the community ranging from serving neighbours in need, to clearing bush and planting native plants, to coaching sports, to tutoring, to helping at local, regional and national events.

Service in the College and Community

No matter how young, or how able the students are, there are opportunities for the students of the College to get involved in service. We have made connections with numerous organisations in Dunedin all of whom need eager volunteers. The great thing about the boys of the College is that they give up their time and get stuck into the tasks ahead of them enthusiastically - this is such a testament to the calibre of the young men that we have here.

If you want to know more about some of the service activities happening on and around the College or if you have service related things that our students could get involved in, you may contact any of the following people.

Contacts at the College:

Brendan Porter ( is the coordinator for the International Baccalaureate and Duke of Edinburgh programmes.

Andrew Hore (, Glen Clark ( and Drew Campbell ( are coordinating many local service opportunities for our students in the junior school, senior school and boarding house respectively.