New Zealand Music Month in Full Swing!

Thursday 16th May 2024

What else would be first on the agenda for an Arts Coordinator starting in May?

It's been a pleasure to start off this role by supporting a series of concerts by John McGlashan students in the library. Every Friday throughout New Zealand Music Month, Steven McNulty (HOD Music) and I will be there with the drums, PA and a new band at 1pm.

To kick things off on the 3rd, Soul Side played an awesome original set, and I was really impressed by their unique indie-rock flavour and musical sensibility.

Image by: Peter Claman

Then Steven let me know they're all in year 10. 

Excuse me? Is there something in the water at John McGlashan? 

I'm sure the excellent tuition and awesome facilities including the silent jam stations (that mean everyone can practice when they want) are an important part of the recipe. But let's be honest, what makes good music is good musicians who listen and learn and hone their art. And these boys are definitely putting in work.

Image by: Peter Claman

On the 10th, things got hardcore with a high-intensity punk set from Sogg. If there's one cardinal sin in punk music - where rules often seem to contradict the point - it's playing it half-heartedly, with a lack of sincerity. The boys from Sogg are in no danger of falling into that camp - they give it their all in a whirlwind of fast chords and deceptively complex rhythms, pinned together with some serious attitude.

This week, we're looking forward to hearing from Marmalade, a jazz combo featuring our Arts Prefects Emilio Ghosh-Novero (Drums) and David Song (Sax). I'm really looking forward to hearing their originals, which can be rare to hear in a genre dominated by standards.

Image by: Peter Claman

These performances not only serve as a great way to celebrate New Zealand Music Month and shine a light on talent at John McGlashan - they're a great way for the boys to warm up as they work towards Rockquest 2024.

The Otago Rockquest heats are coming up this weekend at Taieri College this Saturday May 18th. We'll be down there to cheer the boys on and capture the action in their session at 6pm!