Celebrating our Top Scholars

Friday 2nd February 2018

Almost 60 students received scholars' ties in our recent assembly to recognise top achievement in last year's exams. A vintage crop by any measure!

Whilst the college community can once again take pride in saying "our results are our best ever", perhaps the most encouraging aspect is the culture that has developed where boys actively strive for that success and recognition.  Boy's are often naturally competitive, and when that energy is directed into an academic pursuit, they achieve some wonderful things.

In 2017 our respective pass rates at Level 1, 2 and 3 NCEA, were 99%, 99% & 93%.   However, our focus is more on quality than quantity, and the high levels of Merit & Excellence endorsements are perhaps our best indicator of performance.  When compared with high decile boys' schools nationally we are significantly ahead of the game.  

% JMC Merit/Excellence Endorsements
Level 1       79%    (58% )
Level 2       56%    (46%)
Level 3       52%    (44%)

While last week's assembly was about recognising our very top scholars, results such as the above come from a collective attitude that all boys contribute to;  that extra effort to lift a result from Not Achieved to Achieved, that determination not to just settle for an Achieved, and so on.   Having celebrated the boys' success our job is now to look to the year ahead, maintain the academic culture, and continue to lift performance into our new McGlashan century.

Scholars' Tie Recipients for 2017 were:

Year 11*:

Stewart Ashton, George Bell, Geoffrey Bennani, Harrison Biggs, Ruaidhri Brosnan, David Cannon, Elliot Chamberlain, Tim Chirnside, Sam Clulee, Tom Dempster, William Edwards, Matthew Garry, Ollie Gilmour, Nathan Harrison, Josh Hope, Neil Hutton, Jack Hutton-Atkins, Hugh Jenkins, Jacob Johnson, Charles Keenan, Geoffrey Kemp, Samuel Leaper, Wei Loh, Ben Lund, Bruno Marsh, Cade McRae, Max Pacey, Olivier Page, Daniel Robinson, Tim Scott, William Sheard, Adam Tait, Daniel Thom, Will Turner, Patrick Zhang

(*Level 1 ties are awarded if students have gained an Excellence Endorsement by the end of Year 11, ie 50+ Lvl 1 Excellence credits)

Year 12*:

Alex Byars, Jack Craig-Pearson, Boen Deng, Angus Frew, Oliver Geddes, Max Gomez, Jack Grey, Ben Hall, Andrew Hughes, Lachlan Kenneally, Liam McHenry, Ben Mitchell, Jack Pacey, Will Paterson, Tom Shallard, Matt Silvey, Josh Stoddard, Jaiden Tucker, En Watanabe, Ben Wishart, Tyler Wilden.

(*Level 2 ties are awarded if students have gained an Excellence Endorsement by the end of Year 12, ie 50+ Lvl 2 Excellence credits)

100 Club*:

Harrison Biggs, David Cannon, Will Edwards, Nathan Harrison, Josh Hope, Geoffrey Kemp, Ben Lund, Tim Scott, Billy Sheard, Will Turner, Patrick Zhang. 

(*100+ Lvl 1 Excellence credits, or equivalent, within Yr 11 year.) 

200* Club:

Boen Deng, Jack Grey, Ben Hall, Andrew Hughes, Jaiden Tucker, Lachlan Keneally, Ben Mitchell, Jack Pacey, Tom Shallard, Matt Silvey, Josh Stoddard, En Watanabe, Ben Wishart.

(*80+ Lvl 2 Excellence credits, or equivalent, within Yr 12 year.)