Y9 Camps: From Mihingarangi to Berwick

Monday 2nd November 2015

Over the second week of term, each Year 9 class travelled to Mihingarangi for a two-day camp. 

Year 9 Camp - 9JCu wanders along the top on a pleasant morning.
Year 9 Camp - 9JCu wanders along the top on a pleasant morning.

Students participated in a native-replanting scheme (organised by Mr Leitch) before walking along forestry roads and the Government Track to camp for the night. Each group experienced different weather conditions, but some themes remained the same …

Alex, Bruno, Jordan and Harrison from 9GAV said…
Year 9 camp was freezing, muddy, exciting and wet. The highlight of camp was the mud and playing spotlight. The hardest part of camp was the cold and walking in the rain. The most memorable thing was completing the camp.

Maarten and Tim from 9SPO said…
Year 9 camp was long and tiring. The highlight of camp was running through the mud and watching people fall over. The hardest part of camp was the last half hour of the tramp to the campsite. The most memorable thing was trying to cook our own dinner using our little gas cookers.

Olivier and Zack fro 9DCA said…
Year 9 camp was muddy, exciting, wet, cold and fun. The highlight of camp was the track and getting to cook our own dinner and breakfast. The hardest part of camp was setting up the tents and trying to cook in pouring rain. The most memorable thing was someone face-planting in the mud.
Cougan and Jack from 9JCU said…
Year 9 camp was fun and a good walk. The highlight of camp was going through the mud. The hardest part of camp was getting to sleep. The most memorable thing was walking through the mud.


Max planting a tussock at Waipori Falls
Oscar puts some muscle into digging in the rocky ground
Thomas and Martin get ready to plant a native tussock as Stewart digs
Alex positions sacking to prevent weeds growing around a newly-planted tussock
Year 9 Camp - 9JCu wanders along the top on a pleasant morning.
We got to wade through a few slushy patches.
The track got a little bit muddy in places.
Zack stands beside his group's tent as 9GAV finally get to see the Sun
Relaxing at the campsite - Thomas prepares to play cricket with Mr Allen (student teacher)