Trap Shooters Locked and Loaded for 2017 Season

Monday 27th March 2017

Trap shooting season is underway at McGlashan with some exciting new faces!

Harry Russell shows new shooter Michael Beattie how it's done
Harry Russell shows new shooter Michael Beattie how it's done

Picture this: a snappy winters afternoon. Weak sunshine glints low in the sky creating streaks of blue and wispy white as the JMC van tires crunch over loose gravel. The atmosphere sparks with anticipation as the boys load their pockets with fistfuls of ammunition and head to their posts. Miss Rapson thrusts her hands deep into her pockets wishing she had brought her gloves while she observes the events in a semi-muted state of ear protection.

Wait...Miss Rapson? Outside? With trap shooters? Something must be afoot. Yes indeed; with the retirement of Mr Munro a new T.I.C of trapshooting is in town, and this one wears pink camo. Miss Rapson is excited to be involved with managing the infamous trap shooting teams at John McGlashan College, although there are certainly big shoes to fill! Miss Rapson has a background in pistol shooting and belongs to the local club. She is looking forward to expanding her experience in trap shooting as she enters this full blown competitive sport. 

The first day of the trap shooting season went off with a bang (excuse the pun), and numbers for the sport are bigger than ever. With our experienced coach John as our man in the trenches, we are bound to have a great season. There are a number of weekend competitions coming up between May-September, and with John's high standards our young men have their sights set on success. We look forward to having Miss Rapson on board with us and can't wait to see what knowledge she can bring with her from the pistol shooting world.  

John McGlashan College students gather round to assess the scores of their first shoot of the season
William Shallard takes aim at a clay bird
Harry Russell shows new shooter Michael Beattie how it's done