Tuesday 24th October 2017

Keep up to date with life at the College by joining our Social Media networks. 

We have a number of social media channels that mean you can keep up to date with every aspect of the college.  Head to the networks below give us a follow or a 'like' and don't forget to send any news, photos and successes to our Facebook page as well so we can skite. You can also email these details to kirstyn.mawdsley@mcglashan.school.nz or tony.gomez@mcglashan.school.nz or text Tony on 0212669211.

Facebook - @johnmcglashancollege

Instagram - john_mcglashan_college

Linkedin - John McGlashan College

Twitter - @jmc_dunedin

In addition to these main pages, we also have a John McGlashan College Sports Facebook page @McGlashanSport and if you're an Old Collegian don't forget to like our OCA Facebook page @JohnMcGlashanOCA to ensure you attend the next gathering or hear about the latest success story.