Thursday 5th May 2016

Staff will be conducting career interviews with Year 10 students and their parents so that the boys can begin to discuss their potential learning pathways as they transition into the senior school.

Senior student Wade Adams and Ms Rebecca Rapson (Gateway Co-ordinator) discussing Wade's learning pathways and how these connect to his future career plans.
Senior student Wade Adams and Ms Rebecca Rapson (Gateway Co-ordinator) discussing Wade's learning pathways and how these connect to his future career plans.

Year 10 Career Interviews

This year we are trialling a new initiative which is designed to help our Year 10 students to make relevant and appropriate subject selections in preparation for NCEA next year. The boys will also attend an 'NCEA Day' later in the year.  As part of this, they will experience some subject taster sessions before selecting their NCEA subjects at the end of term 3.  Ms. Rapson will also be delivering a career module called "Career Kete" near the end of term 2.

We would also like to invite parents of Year 10 students to come to school and meet with a member of staff to discuss their son’s strengths, interests and potential career paths. The boys would also join their parents at this meeting. We would like the students to develop a ‘Two Doors Plan’ so that they have both a Plan A and a Plan B that they can work towards in the senior school.

The first set of career interviews will be offered at the end of term 2. These will be held at times that are suitable for the parents of Year 10 boarders. These dates coincide with the JMC Sports Dinner and with the end of term two. The parents of day boys will have the same opportunity in term three. Boarding parents are also welcome to come in term three if this suits them better.

Dates for careers interviews:

Thursday July 7th 1.30-5.30pm

Friday July 8th 1.30- 4pm

The second set of career interviews will be offered in term three.

Tuesday Sept 6th 3.30-5.30pm and 6.30-8.30pm

Thursday Sept 8th 3.30-5.30pm and 6.30-8.30pm

Thursday Sept 15th 3.45-5.30pm

An on-line booking system will be used.  Booking details will be emailed to the parents of Year 10 students closer to the time.

Senior student Wade Adams and Ms Rebecca Rapson (Gateway Co-ordinator) discussing Wade's learning pathways and how these connect to his future career plans.