Thursday 14th March 2024

Earlier Mr Brown talked about International Womans Day

Some of you might be thinking: International Women's Day? What's that got to do with us?

Consider the importance of this day alongside the values of a McGlashan Student.

International Women's Day isn't just a day for women.

it's a day to celebrate the incredible achievements of women worldwide, but it's also about equality. It's about standing up for what's right and fair, regardless of who you are. And that's something we can all get behind.

It's important to talk about something that often gets overlooked in boys' schools. But let me tell you, the world of tomorrow is going to be shaped by the attitudes and actions we take today. And that includes how we treat and respect the women in our lives.

Think about the women who've had a profound impact on your life. Maybe it's your mom who's always been there for you, your sister who's got your back, or that awesome teacher who's inspired you. If you know the History of John McGlashan College you will know that In April 1917 Margaret and Agnes McGlashan, the daughters of Scottish settler John McGlashan, had donated three acres of land and buildings in Dunedin’s Maori Hill to the Presbyterian Church to establish a boarding school in their father’s name. These two women had a significant impact on the lives of all the students who have attended JMC. These women deserve to be celebrated, not just today, but every day.

International Women's Day isn't just about celebrating the women we know personally. It's also about recognising the struggles that women around the world face every single day. From unequal pay and limited access to education to gender-based violence and discrimination, there are still so many barriers that women and girls have to overcome just to have the same opportunities as men.

Now, I'm not standing up here to make you feel guilty or ashamed. Instead, I want to challenge every one of you to be part of the solution. That means standing up against sexism and misogyny whenever you see it, whether it's in the classroom, on the playing field, or online.

It means treating everyone with respect and dignity, regardless of gender. And most importantly, it means recognizing that gender equality isn't just a women's issue – it's a human issue, and it affects every one of us. It means being a good McGlashan Student and being a supporter of the women and girls in your life and supporting them in their goals and ambitions.