Monday 12th August 2019

Gwyn Jones (#7927, 2009-2015)

My name is Gwyn Jones. I left John McGlashan College in 2015. The other day I was lucky enough to come back and talk to a group of boys about what I'd been up to since finishing school, I considered this somewhat of a privilege as I became interested in the idea of doing an industrial design course through old boys coming and talking to me when I was at school. Right now I’m in my third year of this course, for those who are unfamiliar with industrial design, I guess the easiest way of describing it would be adding value to products through aesthetic and function.

The course focuses on equipping students to move straight into industry with a high level of competence and skill, being in the course has given me an appreciation for the foundation skills that John McGlashan provides, knowing how to draw in perspective and construct with cardboard through studies in art or be confident using tools such as the band saw and lathe in the Tech department, as well as to be able to draw technical layouts of products and even configure workbooks in DVC. These studies really set me and other boys from Johnnies apart from most of the I.D. year group who are starting from scratch. When talking to the boys I was able to show them some of the projects I’ve worked on and it was great see the interest the boys had in these projects and the course in general.