Term One - tick!
And what a quick-term it has been. The year 9 students have certainly made sure they have taken advantage of all the opportunities available to them. A quick round-up list for the term could include:
- Orientation Day
- Camp Prep Day
- Cycle Camp
- Athletics Sports
- Peninsula Trip
- Toby Hope Hunting Competition
- Distance Learning
- House Minors (touch rugby this week)
- Junior Maths competition
- Co-curricular opportunities (golf, touch, futsal, mountain biking, chess, debating...)
Last week we awarded the March Dean's Awards to four students that have shown both commitment to and strong progress in their endeavours at school.
The following students received these awards:
For being diligent and setting himself high standards in all of his work. For relating well to others and showing leadership. Finally, for excellent manners and being willing to help.
Approaches each day with his game face on. No matter what we are doing in class, on the sports field, or among his friends, he gives everything 100%. His work ethic is an example many could follow!
For showing serious commitment and focus in his academic work. Otis is striving to reach his highest potential and always displays a positive and enthusiastic attitude in class.
Super diligent, mature, and sensible in his approach to his schoolwork which results in great work.
One of the true highlights this term has been the daily games of cricket (and now touch rugby) on the 'Gilray Green'. This has led to much laughter and lots of involvement across the year groups. It has also gone a long way in developing a very positive culture within the year group. Kudos to Jonny Hunter for providing the gear each day and the enthusiasm to keep the lads involved.
For the boys, a final thought as we head into the last week of the term: finish well, finish strong, finish on a highlight!