Thursday 1st February 2024

The first three days are complete, and it is clear that the 2024 squad is ready for the mission ahead of them.


From Induction Day in the sun on Tuesday to swimming lessons on a rainy Friday, it has been a busy and full first four days for the Year 9 crew.

9CBD — Image by: Donna Smith

Induction day allowed the students to complete their digital set-up, map out their classrooms, and strengthen their relationships with their new classmates. 

As the week has progressed, the boys have had the chance to meet many of their teachers for the year and begun to settle into the new routines and expectations for the year. 

There was much excitement for sports sign-ups, and there will be more information to follow from the sports department.

9DPA — Image by: Donna Smith

As week two begins, the boys will have the opportunity to hear all about the opportunities in music at the school, and we will also have a briefing about the upcoming camps and what can be expected and required for that experience. More information about the camp will be added to the Year 9 website.

9NSM — Image by: Donna Smith

The boys have impressed us with the manner in which they are mixing and supporting each other. There was an excellent showing of teamwork and sportsmanship during our first Long ball session on Tuesday afternoon. 

We look forward to building on the excellent attitudes the students have shown so far.

Reminders for week 2:

- Itinerant music concert on Monday morning

- School swimming continues

- Student Camp Briefing (Wednesday)

- Wednesday Chapel commences at 9 am