Friday 28th July 2023

The Annual Prepared Reading competition took place this morning with twelve very impressive finalists taking the stage.

Prepared Reading Winners
Prepared Reading Winners

Every student in Year 9 was tasked with selecting a piece of text to present in a prepared reading. The first challenge is to find a piece that is engaging, provides character and makes sense as a stand-alone story. The second challenge is to utilise presentation techniques to bring the piece to life. Tone, speed, volume, pace and pause and all tools of the trade, and the Year 9 students did not disappoint! 

Prepared Reading in Action — Image by: Donna Smith

All four classes were set the tough task of selecting three students to represent their class in the final. 

The following boys were selected as Year 9 Finalists: Finn McDonald, Thomas Kaiser, Lewis Marr, Jacob Hill, Cohen Harris, Oliver Schonthal, Adam Ludgate, Toby Hebden, Ben Gray, Kura Stevens, Leo Hill and Mikae Hape.

Prepared Reading Finalists — Image by: Donna Smith

Our Judges Dr Preston, Whaea Clark and Finlay Tomkins (old boy) were tasked with the very tricky challenge of determining which one of the twelve outstanding readings would read the podium. 

The results were as follows:

1st Kura Stevens

2nd Lewis Marr

3rd Oliver Schonthal

Highly Commended:

  • Jacob Hill
  • Thomas Kaiser
  • Leo Hill