Information on dates and payment of school accounts for 2016
The first school account for 2016 will be emailed to parents on 29 February, with accounts sent each month until November on the last working day of the month. A final account for 2016 is sent mid-December. Payment of accounts is due 20th of the month following date of issue.
Attendance Dues and Donations will be included on invoices once per term (in February, May, July and October). Further information about fees is available on our website:
There are several payment options available:
Our preferred payment option is Direct Debit. On the 20th of each month, the amount on the previous month's invoice is drawn from the bank account you provide us. A Direct Debit form is available at the web address above.
If you prefer to make consistent payments throughout the year, please set up an automatic payment. If you are wanting to discuss the amount of the payment each week or month, please feel free to contact the Director of Business, Callum Hayde on 467 6620 (ext 279), or at
Alternatively, you can make a Direct Credit payment through internet banking, or pay by cheque each month.
If you pay by Automatic Payment or Direct Credit, please ensure your son's name and 5-digit ID number (printed on the invoice and his ID card), are included as a reference.