Over the Matariki weekend, our McGlashan Senior A and Junior A Chess teams represented the school well in the recent Otago/Southland Secondary and Intermediate School Championships respectively.
The Senior team was ably led from the front by Captain Martin Brook who enjoyed some great wins, alongside his great teammates of Gary Yao, Harold Gao and Ryan Zhou, who travelled up to Waitaki Boys in Oamaru to compete valiantly against 11 other teams and came a very respectable 6th place. With this chess mastery on display, many well-executed and strategic wins and draws were enjoyed by the boys and even with some close fought losses, they displayed great sportsmanship by shaking hands and taking away new moves for their next match.
The next weekend, it was the turn of our Intermediate A team consisting of a super keen bunch of strategic thinkers and problem solvers; Gus Carr, Blake Chalmers, Adam Docherty and Toby Spalding, who came a commendable 9th place in their first-ever competition. This team has been really committed to their Chess training on a Tuesday and Thursday lunchtime and learnt a lot from the tough competition. They'll be even bigger weapons on the board in years to come! A massive 'well done' to all the boys in this their first big competition of the season, and a big 'thank you' to the parents who supported the boys on the day. Next up for the Senior A 's the Timaru Boys exchange hosted by JMC in Week 10. Good luck to you all for your matches!