I believe that we have a school culture which is grounded, productive and respectful of diversity.
Adverse snow and rain conditions have been very testing during the last few weeks but to date there has been minimum disruption to teaching programmes. I urge you to make your own judgement call whether to travel or not based on the road conditions in your local area.
Angela Thomsen has resigned her HOD Junior English position and her last day at John McGlashan College will be 7th August. Angela is re-locating to Nelson where her husband Chris, will take up a position in environmental law with the Tasman District Council. Angela is a highly regarded teacher who has had a powerful effect on many McGlashan boys during her nine year tenure at the College. We wish the Thomsen family all the very best for their adventures.
Student reports are being sent out before the end of the term and boys would be wise to use this feedback when considering their next steps.
As you are probably aware the Education Review Office visited the College the week after Queen’s Birthday weekend. A preliminary verbal report has been delivered to the Board with a draft report due in the next week or so. The initial feedback has been very encouraging:
- Special character, sense of whanaungatanga, identity and belonging
- Boy-focused, finding ways to provide learning that works best for boys
- Positive relationships, focused on individuals, respect, learning, excellence
- High expectations, and celebrations of success, not just top-end success
- Students are well-focused on their learning and they want to succeed
- Focus on whole student, academic, cultural, sporting/outdoors, service, global
- Students’ responsibility for their learning, knowing about, being “involved”
- Comprehensive approach to learning support for students at all levels
- Responsive curriculum, best for boys, every student with opportunity to learn, to achieve at a level that extends and challenges
I believe that we have a school culture which is grounded, productive, compassionate and respectful of diversity. Every day I am heartened to see the attitudes and values of our boys demonstrated in their behaviour around the College. They can be very proud of the part they play in its cultural wealth.
Enjoy the upcoming break.